Holiday Bundle
Here's why you need this Holiday Bundle in your life:
- there's literally hundreds of pages of printables goodness (and it's organized for easy finding!)
- save a bucket load of money here, vs buying this all separately in our shop. Like 85% off!
- you will have a library of printables ready and waiting for all those events during the school year.
- you will look like a Pinterest mom without searching on Pinterest for hours on end. (you're welcome!)
- it's easy to download. Easy to print. Customer service in case you get stuck.
Scroll down to see a complete list of what's all included.
- ‘snow fun’ flag banner
- large snowman with pieces for ‘pin the tail on the donkey’ style game
- ‘there’s snow-body like you’ gift tag
- snowman soup tag ‘let it snow’ mini banner
- ‘xoxo’ flag banner
- chip gift tag
- valentine’s cupcake toppers
- donut gift tag
- 2 styles of flower bouquet wrappers
- ‘hugs and kisses’ gift tag
- nail polish gift tag
- pencil gift tag
- pop rocks gift tag
- ring pop gift tag
- teacher candy bar wrapper
- ‘lucky you’ flag banner
- ‘lucky day’ gift tag
- ‘lucky charm’ gift tag
- nail polish gift tag
- pinch proof bracelets
- pinch proof drink tag
- pinch protection wearable tags
- teacher gift tag
- pinch proof gift tag
- rainbow skittles gift tag
- bunny banner
- ‘he is risen’ sign
- ‘bunny tails’ gift tag
- peeps gift tag
- ‘hip hop’ sign
- ‘hoppy easter’ sign
- ‘peter cottontail’ sign
- ‘you are loved’ flag banner
- all about mom sheet
- 2 styles of candy bar wrappers
- folded floral card
- room service sign
- napkin holders
- straw flags
- flower bouquet wrapper
- ‘home is where mom is’ sign
- ‘you are adored’ flag banner
- 2 styles of candy bar wrappers
- ‘best dad ever’ sign
- all about dad book
- straw flags
- usa flag banner
- ‘america’ sign
- usa sign
- cupcake toppers
- food tents
- pop rocks tag
- scavenger hunt cards
- 'from sea to shining sea' sign
- sparklers gift tag
- 4 styles of tin can wrappers
- water bottle labels
- whole alphabet cards
- alphabet sign ‘abc’ flag banner
- first day of school (prek-12th)
- Last day of school (prek-12th)
- first day of school interview sheet
- 18 lunchbox love tags
- ‘cut above’ teacher gift tag
- ‘sharp’ teacher gift tag
- ‘bright’ teacher gift tag
- ‘autumn’ flag banner
- ‘s’more fun’ sign
- fall bucket list sign
- fall is my favorite color sign'
- ‘take s’more home’ gift tag
- ‘happy fall yall’ gift tags
- ‘hello fall’ mini banner
- pumpkin coloring sheet
- s’more table label signs
- ‘cool fall days warm your heart’ sign
- ‘spooky’ flag banner
- halloween bouquet wrapper
- ‘you’ve been booed’ tags
- ‘take a bite’ bread wrapper
- ‘bugs and kisses’ gift tag
- ‘fab-boo-lous’ gift tag
- ‘make a monster’ gift tag
- ‘fang-tastic halloween’
- gift tag hocus pocus sign
- ‘happy halloween’ mini banner
- ‘give thanks’ sign
- leftover bag tags
- give thanks mini banner
- name place card
- napkin holders
- silverware place mats
- recipe cards
- ‘thankful for’ coloring sheet
- thankful tags
- ‘i’m back’ elf flag banner
- ‘be merry’ banner
- pancake and pajama breakfast sign
- breakfast mini signs
- elf ‘caught ya’ cards
- ‘drink cocoa...’ sign
- ‘jingle all the way’ sign
- cupcake toppers
- note from the elf
- 12 joke cards from the elf
- ‘be merry’ mini banner
- name tag tents
- napkin holders
- straw flags
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Because this is a digital product, no refunds are given. For personal use only.